CV Procedures
CV Submission, Registration
When you submit your CV this does not mean you have registered as a candidate with Bucks and Berks. All you are doing is indicating that you are interested in a particular job advertised on the website, job boards or newspapers or that you are considering changing jobs or taking up temporary work. In most cases you will receive either an automated e-mail reply to your enquiry or a phone call. If we feel that your skills, qualifications and experience are relevant to our Employer Clients, we will contact you. At this time we may arrange a convenient appointment time to meet one of our consultants for a face to face interview or using faceTime or Skype if this is more convenient. Before your interview we will normally email you a link to complete our online website registration form. If we are able to help with your job search, we will be in touch within 5 working days. If we cannot help, we will not retain your data for any longer than 30 days.
If we accept your registration, Bucks and Berks has a preferred format when presenting CV’s to our prospective Clients and therefore, we may wish to make alterations to the CV that you submit to us. Your amended CV will have identifying information about you such as your name, your current and previous employers, your work history and our logo added at the top of the page to identify Bucks and Berks to our Employer Client. However, your contact details will be removed. Normally, we will also remove Face Book, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social network links to protect your privacy.
Whenever you update your CV you must inform the consultant dealing with your application and resubmit your CV to them again. We are reliant on you supplying us with factual and accurate information about you, your experience and requirements.
CV Permissions and Declarations
If you do not wish your CV to be amended please inform the consultant who is dealing with your application.
If you do not want Bucks and Berks to send your reformatted CV details to prospective Clients, again, please contact the consultant handling
your application. You are welcome to a copy of your reformatted CV on request.
There may be occasions when we are unable to contact you to discuss a vacancy. In such cases by submitting your CV to us you agree for
us to submit your CV to a company without obtaining prior permission. This will be because there is some urgency required – we will let you
know if this happens. However, in most cases and as normal practice we will try and discuss the company and the job and/or assignment with
you in the first place.
You are solely responsible for ensuring that any information submitted by you on our online web registration form or via our web site, or by
any external job boards, or job alert facility where your CV is stored, or by any CV sent to us is true, accurate, up-to-date, not misleading, not
discriminatory, obscene, offensive, defamatory or otherwise illegal.
You are also responsible for ensuring that all information, data and files are free of viruses or other routines or engines that may damage or
interfere with any system or data prior to being submitted to this site.
You certify that you have approached Bucks and Berks of your own free will when you submit your CV or otherwise register with us for
temporary work and/or permanent employment. You also agree that this has been done without any solicitation or coercion from any member
of staff of Bucks and Berk Recruitment.
You can find our full Privacy and Data Protection Policy for Candidates at