Twitter is a fantastic resource for job hunters as we explained in our first How To article that covered searching on Twitter for your next role. However you can also use twitter to attract the attention of recruiters and companies, and bring the right role to you. Now we aren’t saying that with a good Twitter profile you can become the next Richard Branson, but it can certainly help start you on the career path you choose.
Perhaps it isn’t so revolutionary – We have been supplying temporary staff to businesses across the Thames Valley for over 90 years!
Temps are THE best flexible workforce; you know you can rely on them to help you when your business needs to fill a skills gap, respond to increasing market demand or just cover unexpected staff shortages. We know this, not just because we supply them every week to the clients we work with, but because we use them ourselves, why wouldn’t we when we know how good they are?!
The last year has brought about vast challenges and many changes for businesses; from SMEs to large corporates, we have all had to make adjustments and adapt to a whole new workplace. Now many organisations are looking at how to maximise the opportunities for growth while limiting business risk associated with increasing staff, managing office space or buying in more business assets. Sorry but we can’t help with finding a flexible office space or where to best source your product materials from. What we do know is how to manage staff levels and find the right people to support your business growth. Previously you may have been unsure about hiring temporary staff, unless it was for a maternity cover or a specific project, but there are so many reasons why utilising flexible workforce can be great for your business.
If you haven’t considered hiring temporary staff before now might be the perfect time to start, here are 5 ways temps can be great for business.
1. Short-notice hiring
If you need to hire staff quickly, temping is the way forward. Forget drawn-out interview processes or having to wait out long notice periods, a good temping recruitment agency (like Bucks and Berks Recruitment) will have a pool of workers ready to spring into action. If you need staff urgently for a new client or an increasing project load, using temporary staff is a great way to scale up your workforce fast.
2. Effective cover
If you have an open position in your company or one of your staff is taking a sabbatical or going on maternity leave, temporary staff could be a great way to fill the gap. Hiring a temp while recruiting will take off the pressure to hire someone quickly, allowing you to take your time and shop around for the perfect fit for your organisation, as well as covering any long notice periods.
3. “Try before you buy”
A good interview process can be effective in finding the right fit for a role, however if want to see first hand how that person can fit in the team and ensure that the business can support the extra headcount temp to perm staff are ideal. Many companies will hire temporary staff, then offer permanent roles to those that they want to continue working with. This allows companies to see how potential employees perform on the job and how they gel with the rest of the team before offering them a permanent position.
4. Flexibility
Hiring temporary staff will allow organisations unrivalled flexibility. Temps can be hired at short-notice to cover the business needs at the time, without the long-term commitment and cost of hiring permanent staff.
5. Fresh expertise
A new pair of eyes is always an asset, and temporary staff can be a great way of bringing additional expertise to your organisation. They can bring new skills to your company, including consultancy, project management, and strategic support. New staff can also offer a fresh perspective on existing processes, suggest efficiencies, and bring in new ideas and energy from companies they have worked for previously.
Although using temporary staff may not have been the first solution that came to mind when thinking about expanding your workforce a few years ago, it might be the go to action now so you don’t miss out on business opportunities over the coming months. The other advantage that we didn’t mention is of course is by working with a professional recruitment agency (such as us, read more here) we manage all of the recruitment admin for you including initial interviews, day to day candidate management and weekly payroll which includes holiday pay and pension. We make it easy for you to concentrate on what is important in your business.
At Bucks and Berks, we can help with recruiting temporary and interim staff in Marlow, High Wycombe, Wokingham, Bracknell, Slough, Maidenhead, Windsor and Reading. Contact Carly today to find out more about how we can boost your business for 2021 and beyond.